The MeV summer school comprised two weeks of insightful full of lectures, panel discussions, lab, and facility tours as well as networking! During the summer school, the participants were working
Yulia Mishchenko, Sobhan Patnaik, Elina Charatsidou, Janne Wallenius, Denise Adorno Lopes In the present study, the physical properties of the ternary phase U2CrN3 are evaluated experimentally and by modeling methods.
The presentation was part of the ”Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Microstructure, Thermo-physical Properties” section of the conference, Topic of the presentation: Thermal Conductivity Degradation by Solid Fission
Researchers and industry in Sweden are collaborating to realize the fourth generation of lead-cooled nuclear power plants. At KTH, tests and preparations are underway for the production of the reactors
The government is expected to announce the final repository of nuclear waste from our Swedish nuclear power plants. At the same time, research is being done on a new type
I am grateful to present the Nuclear Energy Engineering and EMINE masters programs from KTH Royal Institute of Technology at my home university, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). I would like to thank Jan Dufek from KTH
36 students from all over the world are currently visiting Oskarshamn to learn more about the final repository of spent nuclear fuel. “It’s very interesting to see how you work
I am grateful to have presented the Nuclear Energy Engineering and EMINE masters programs from KTH Royal Institute of Technology at my home university, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) during the HNPS2019 Conference. I would like to